Business or General Liability insurance

General Liability Insurance (GL) policies protect against negligence claims from clients, employees, vendors, contractors or other third parties  GL policies cover general liability, bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, advertising injury, liquor liability, contractual liability, loss of services, public liability, products-completed operations and, on some policies, employment practice liability and data breach liability.   


GL policies include additional coverage for the cost to defend and associated expenses, costs for judgments or settlements from a covered claim and associated medical costs for claimants. GL policies usually start with split limits as low as $1,000,000 single occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for any covered loss.


GL coverage can be part of a Business Owner Policy (BOP) or purchased as part of a Commercial Package Policy or as stand-alone coverage depending on the situation and business need.


TWFG represents a number of companies that offer GL coverage. It is important that the policy and coverage you select matches your business needs. Our TWFG, Alamo City Agency is unique in that we also work with numerous brokers and specialize in providing liability to nearly 99% of business industries that come through our doors.  Have you been told "no" to liability due to your business type? (unique, high risk, specialized industry) ~ then you've come to the right place!